
10 hours of hands most unique.

On Oct 17, 2010 / (00:44 am)
do u like watch?
I'd like watch & I think all this watch are cool & great..!!
Cellphone Watch

 deserve to be no.1 this hourwith existing technology, this clock can also be a phone, even a smart phone with a touchscreen
Do not stop there, this clock jg equipped with bluetooth technology and mp3 player

GARMIN Forerunner 405
 This clock is made specifically for sports fansga surprised at this entrance rank 2, because the clock is equipped with a GPS (global position system) to determine the start - we finish the run, also to know the distance we travel
ga only that, the clock is also equipped with monitors time, speed run, and also our heart rate (rich in Hulk gt)
and a more severe and, at this well equipped with WiFi wireless technology, also with a usb cable so that we can transfer our data into the computer data in a run we'll be recorded and we observe from day to day.

Hidden USB Watch
information is the most important thing in this modern eraNeither would ever watch donk film2 spy gt, that they should take caution if gt usb critically important data contentsWell now we can at least feel it's a secret agen2with this hour, we can use the usb in it without anyone aware if there is a usbnot only that, the usb is there in it capacity 4GB

Astrodea Celestial Watch

 Hours are pretty cool but complicateduseful if the geologists and meteorologiststtp useful but if you have a hobby in astronomyby using a predetermined precision, this clock can determine approximately 90% of stars exist in the near earth.

Skull Candy McGyver Watch
 Surely all tau donk McGyver movie?do we all know if McGyver bgt tu sophisticated, like a clock on this oneEquipped with build-in mp3 player that can hold 1GB of songs, this hour can play all kaskusers favorite songs wherever and whenever wherever and whenever yap ..not only that, the clock is also equipped with 5 kinds equilizer and usb drive


Your desk a mess?forgot to put the calculator where?You will not forget it anymore because your calculator in your hand stuckequipped with the Casio CFX-400 scientific calculator, this clock is one hour of the most unique because of its dual function.

Brookstone Digital Photo Watch

 Bored with the background at a so-so onlyThis is the only clock that can be changed backgroundnnya so you do not get bored with the interface at which only so-so only.

Scientific Weather Forecast Watch
Hours are very sophisticatedThe technology developed from the barometer and clockBy using pressure and humidity, this clock can determine the weather.

E-Ink Digital Watch
This clock is apparently just usualbut the truth behind it all is a highly sophisticated technologyThis clock is called e-ink because it's digital display screen is pure like a computer screen (not manual ato LED).

Cassette Face Watch 
Hours are coolno clock on the right, on the left there are minutewhich makes it unique is the design of which resembles a tape winder.

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